Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Friday Night Small Groups

I know the blog is a few days behind from our Sevilla team but we had an incredibly busy weekend so I would like to catch everyone up on everthing God did this past weekend!

Friday after our prayer walk through the city we split up into two groups as we did the night before and went to Nono's house and Paco's house. There were about 10 people at each house for their weekly small group. We again had the opportunity to pray for the church over them, pray for their personal prayer request, share our testimonies and break bread with them, talking about how important prayer is and how we as a Prayer Mission Team and Northpoint back in Atlanta along with all of our personal supporters are continually praying for them that God will continue to bless all of them including the church. Both teams were back by the hotel around midnight. After looking back we realized how much of an impact these small group settings made to the members of the church.


José Manuel Miranda Serrano said...

Hola Daniel,
Deseo que llegaseis a casa bien y que pudieses descansar después de un viaje tan largo. Te echamos mucho de menos. Pasear por Sevilla, charlar, orar, servir y tomar tapas contigo ha sido fantástico. Dios ha hecho y hará grandes cosas por medio de este viaje.

Daniel, a mi familia, nos ha gustado mucho conocerte, le has caido muy bien a Dani, y a nosotros también. Te tendremos en nuestros pensamientos y oraciones.

Gracias por seguir poniendo noticias en el blog

Saludos a todos,

José Manuel Miranda Serrano said...

Hola Daniel,
Deseo que llegaseis a casa bien y que pudieses descansar después de un viaje tan largo. Te echamos mucho de menos. Pasear por Sevilla, charlar, orar, servir y tomar tapas contigo ha sido fantástico. Dios ha hecho y hará grandes cosas por medio de este viaje.

Daniel, a mi familia, nos ha gustado mucho conocerte, le has caido muy bien a Dani, y a nosotros también. Te tendremos en nuestros pensamientos y oraciones.

Gracias por seguir poniendo noticias en el blog

Saludos a todos,