Tuesday, May 19, 2009

post by Brandi Booker:

Hola Friends and family!

Today we accomplished great things. We worked with Group 514 (the community service group for the church) to collect food for the Caritas Food Bank in Sitges. We were amazed at how generous the community is here!!! Many people chose to donate items from the list we passed out and we were able to deliver over seven grocery carts full of non-perishables to the food bank. This food bank serves over 120 families a week in the local area.

Tonight we had dinner and small group training at the church. Nine people came from ICG and it lasted for threeeeeee hours due to great discussion (and lengthy translations :)) They are doing a great job in their current small groups and are very excited about growing this environment. While several members of our team led the training, the others were painting and making preparations for our retreat this weekend!

Can't wait till tomorrow!


sara turner said...

Team Spain: We are thinking of you and praying for you this week. Thanks for the posts and the pictures. It looks gorgeous there!

May the Lord continue to give you strength and wisdom as you continue to build his Church.

Love from Atlanta!

julie said...

Hola Sitges!! So good to hear from y'all. I know God is doing amazing things and will do so many more. I'm definitely praying for y'all. Love, Julie Allen