Monday, July 21, 2008

One of our best services ever

I just want to let you guys know what happened yesterday in Sitges.

We had the last service until September because our summer vacation break.

The title was "Make the most of your vacation time".

The preacher was Toni Bodego, he's a great communicator and a better guy. He came to preach a couple of months ago and yesterday he came with Chelo, his wife. They're a lovely couple.

Toni preached about how to enjoy the vacation, and make the most with friends, family, thinking about our live and about how we can work for the church, and also charging our batteries because when we'll be back there's a long road to walk, in our lives and in the church as well.

Previously we had an amazing worship time. This guys sound awesome!!!

More than 40 adults came yesterday to our church, around 10 for the first time and some of them told us, "we'll see you in september"...

Keep on praying for us because some of that people have kids and if we are having more kids coming we're gonna have a big issue because of our tiny facilities for them, and until we don't have the new building finished we'll not be able to do a nice program for them.



Carolyn Norton said...

Isma (and all of you at Iglesia Cristiana del Garraf):
Alvaro had told me about the service yesterday too, so I'm delighted to hear how successful it was! Toni sounds like a great communicator!

We had our Spain Celebration Night last night, and we all are working hard to help you raise the money you need for your new building AND pray about God providing for that (more than anything)! So know that we partner with you in that journey, and are right beside you praying for that goal. (:

Enjoy your August Vacation!

Muchos Bessos!

Isma Martinez said...

We know you guys are working and praying hard for us to get it.
Thanks again (and again) for being part of us.
Hugs and kisses for everyone!!!

julie said...

excelente me hace muy alegre de oir este felicitaciones que gran cosas tiene Dios oramos para vosotros disfrute las vacaciones

Dave Karger said...

That looks promising! Hope everything is going well with you. Mark's visit was great. Talk to you soon on Ichat. Dave

Melanie said...

What awesome news! I will pray that you all make the most of your vacation time! I know that God is at work and will do great things. You guys are so faithful and God is honored!