Monday, January 26, 2009

Breaking attendance records!!!

Great news from Vilanova!!!
Great news from the Iglesia Cristiana del Garraf!!!

Follow the link.


Carolyn Norton said...

GREAT NEWS guys! So excited for ya'll. I'll be praying about the space issue for the church and the kids. We'll keep that in mind for our trip in May too.

Keep up the good work! Love the blog too....

José Manuel Miranda Serrano said...

Estas son grandes noticias y estamos muy contentos por vosotros. Sabemos lo que esto significa y os animamos a seguir adelante con esperanza.
Parque Este

Isma Martinez said...

@Carolyn: Thanks! We're excited too, it's a great challenge to have the responsability to do a church where the people is so willing to comeback.

@Pepe: Gracias! La verdad es que, tristemente, no muchas iglesias en España pueden decir que crecen. Ánimos a vosotros también!

PS: Please can you guys also comment the posts on our blog, it would really help to keep it alive. Thanks!

Melanie said...

This is such exciting news! God is blessing! Love you guys!

Carolyn Norton said...

I tried to comment on your other blog, but I can't figure out how to do that or create an account on there. So if you know how I can do it, let me know and I will. (:

I met a guy (Mario) at David's fusion group who is from Madrid! I was talking to the group about mission trips that GlobalX does, and of course I mentioned Spain and what your churches are doing there, and afterwards Mario came up to me, and we had the best talk! I'll tell you more in a blog entry soon.

Miss ya'll!

Isma Martinez said...

@Carolyn: You just need to go to any post, scroll down to the end and there is where you can comment, but only if you're registered as a user on the blog, if you're not just click on "logged in", then on register and you'll arrive to, then you'll receive a confirmation email, and then you'll be able to comment :D