Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!!! / Feliz Navidad!!!

Hi, this is Isma, i'm speaking for my family and for the church in Vilanova as well, we wanna wish Merry Christmas and a happy 2008 to all of you guys who are thinking, praying, talking, writting, doing, making, sharing, giving, working, whatever to what God is doing in Spain.

We can´t wait to see you again and we hope this would happen in 2008.

Thank's for everything you guys are doing for us.


También queremos desear a todos los de Sevilla tengais una Feliz Navidad y un muy buen 2008, que continueis haciendo el gran trabajo en el que ya estais inmersos y que podamos ampliar nuestros lazos de colaboración en ambas direcciones.

Ya sabes Pepe que en cuanto tengais un Mac me teneis en Sevilla para daros un empujón en lo que necesiteis.

Isma Martinez.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Merry Christmas to everyone! Thanks to both Isma and Pepe for the entries. You are in our hearts, minds and prayers. God is good and He has begun something big in our midst. I am honored to know you all and be small part of all God is doing in Spain!